Pathway to Paris 2018 – Thanks for shining a light on climate action!

Your solar-powered Sunrise at Pathway to Paris, San Francisco 2018:


The 2400 solar lamps from your solar-powered sunrise are now going to Nepal, bringing light to people who need it. We’ll keep you updated on the lamps’ journey here!

☀️Little Suns on their way to Nepal ☀️

150 Little Suns left for Nepal the night of Pathway to Paris, thanks to Rebecca Solnit and Charles McDonald from the Upaya Zen Center.

20 October

On the pilgrimage to Dolpo, Nepal, Little Suns were carried on mules through the stunning Himalayas. Charles together with the Upaya’s Nomads Clinic reached the Thechenpalri monastery at 13000 feet, where they held their first medical camp on this route and distributed Little Suns to the villagers.

Distribution at Thecnenpalre Monastery, Nepal from Little Sun on Vimeo.

‘As you can see from the video, the people were not only excited to have him (Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche, the region’s buddhist leader) visit but were rapt and so thankful for the suns. It would be the first light they had experienced in their lifetimes. We attempted to re-create the sunrise of suns from the climate conference in San Francisco as a thank you to all of you. It was an awesome moment and very special for everyone.’, shared Charles, ‘Most villages contained 20-40 homes, most had only yak dung fires for light and heat. Many of the villagers had received no formal education or medical care. We served 1008 patients over a month on the trail, with approximately 90 people and as many mules and horses. Truly we were a mobile village with the undertaking expertly managed by our Napali community of cooks, horsemen, mulemen, interpreters, sherpas, doctor, nurses, amchi (local healer), dentist and his assistant.’

16 September

Charles arrived in Kathmandu! The Little Sun lamps already left the city in a truck to Dolpo.

14 September

Lamps being checked-in at the airport of San Francisco.

14 September

Lamps all packed back in boxes and ready for Nepal!

14 September

The Little Sun team meets Rebecca Solnit and Charles McDonald before the concert – Charles is flying that very night to Nepal.

Feeling energized? Pass on the good energy and join the global Little Sun community!


As part of its mission of delivering clean energy solutions to people worldwide, Little Sun brings portable solar lamps and phone chargers to people affected by sudden earthquakes, severe storms, and other natural disasters.

Your contribution helps us keep a running stock available for those affected by power outages and helps us respond instantly to future emergencies.



Gifts by check to the Little Sun Foundation US Fund are possible. More information can be found on our website:

Read more about our projects in Nepal HERE

Follow #SUNFrancisco on Twitter,  Facebook and Instagram to keep yourself updated!


Photo credits: UNDP, Kigaku Noah Rossetter, Peter Fankhauser